A Suitable Shoe

Selecting a suitable shoe for the very unique Cargo Plus Coastal Challenge can be a very confusing process. There are so many different surfaces on the course. You have rocks (some flat, some round), sandy beaches and water/swimming. I thought I would share with you the kind of shoe that works for me and why.

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mark fordham
Top Tips for Coastal Challenge Training

The Cargo Plus Coastal Challenge was created to take you somewhere a little different and discover pockets of your backyard you would never have thought to visit. It’s an adventure like no other and thus requires some training and planning that’s a little different too. Here are the most important things I have learnt from years of playing on the coast.

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mark fordham

The Coastal Challenge is quite different from your average trail event, it is much more of an adventure! It involves not only running and walking, but rock hoping, wading and on some courses - swimming.

The Mini & Mid Monty courses have their fair share of wading and small swimming sections so these tips could be helpful for you too. The Full Monty course however is exactly that. It possesses the Full Monty of obstacles and swimming is one feature you will come face to face with very early on. Ps the water is currently a very warm 21 Degrees!

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